Will My Insurance Cover This?

Depending on your insurance coverage you may be able to have part of, or all of this device paid for without any out of pocket expense to you. We’d be happy to run a quick check on this product and let you know if you will be covered. Simply fill out the following form and we’ll get back to you with our findings.

[contact-form-7 id="161" title="Insurance Check"]

By submitting your information you are agreeing to allow Befitting You, LLC to run a check on your insurance policy to discover if you are covered for this product. We will not store or release your information. For more information view our privacy policy.


BAJA 631

The Baja 631 provides pain relief and extra stability throughout the sacral, lumbar, and lower-thoracic spine. The bi-planar pulley system allows you to easily apply targeted compression along the vertebral column and the paraspinal muscles. As you engage the pulleys, the lumbar panel is drawn toward the spine and naturally conforms to your body.

The Baja 631 is unique in its ability to easily integrate heat/cold therapy into the system. The gel pads can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer and then inserted directly to the lumbar pad.

Home Delivery of this product is available

For treatment of:

Herniated Discs-Degenerative Disc Disease-Lumbar Sprains and Strains-Spondylolisthesis-Osteoarthritis Radicular pain-Post-Surgical Stabilization